Technology will not replace Great Teachers but technology in the hands of Great Teachers can be Transformational

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Internet of Things (IoT)

The term IoT envelops everything associated with the web, however it is progressively being utilized to characterize objects that "talk" to one another. Thanks to the wireless system every physical thing can be connected via internet, over the period of time man has been working on developing equipment to facilitate ourselves in our daily routine, internet of things (IOT) Is a new step forward in setting our homes and offices installed with equipment which we can access through our cell phones and run through one click.

The term IoT is for the most part utilized for gadgets wouldn't usually be generally expected to have a web association, and that can speak with the system freely of human activity. Therefore, a personal computer is not commonly viewed as an IoT device similarly not even a cell phone. But turning your light bulb, Fan or toaster through an application from your phone then it will be IoT.
Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of things concept started in the early 1980s in the start it attractive and interesting to business and manufacturers, where its application is in some cases known as machine-to-machine (M2M), but now it is penetrating our homes through smart devices and making our lives and relaxing. Plus side for this technology is transformation is relevant to every average person. By the end of 2020 more than half of our devices will be modified to smart devices.

Major headache of IoT is like all other smart devices is “Personal Data” because all these devices collet your data and operate accordingly to help you in all aspects for example from you wake up time to what you eat what you normally do in certain particular day and what are your favorite shows, meals, dressing etc. privacy issue always play integral part in use of products.

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